Supervision of Master’s Theses

Supervision of Master’s Theses

Prof. Korac acts as supervisor of Master’s Theses in the field of public management in general, as well as questions and issues at the intersection of the law, policy and economic disciplines. The focus however is on the management perspective.

Possible topics and themes would lie in the area of public sector accounting and budgeting, personnel management, public sector innovation, as well as state-owned/municipally-owned enterprises and nonprofit organizations as providers of public services.

Supervised Master’s Theses (selected):

  • The role of AI in the process management in public administration – an empirical study
  • Cooperation in inter-organizational networks
  • Performance Information Use by Politicians – A systematic literature review with implications for performance management in the German public sector
  • Quality of Gender Budgeting actions in the multi-level system of the Austrian public administration

If you consider writing your thesis under Prof. Koracs supervision, please write an e-mail to Sarah Müller ( to set a date for an initial meeting. Further appointments for supervisotry meetings will then be arranged to fit your writing schedule during the course of your thesis.