Prof. Sanja Korać - Head of Department
Prof. Sanja Korać is Head of the Department of Public Management at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer and Scientific Director of the FKS • Führungskolleg Speyer (, an executive training program for public sector leaders at the regional (Bundesländer) level and the German Labor Agency. Prior to her current position, she was Associate Professor at the Department of Public, Nonprofit & Health Management at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria. She was the Austrian Plan Foundation Fellow at The Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, DC (Academic Year 2014/2015).
Since April 2020, Sanja is Communications Secretary and Board Member of the IRSPM (International Research Society for Public Management) ( and has been member of the Executive Committee of the Public Service Accounting and Accountability Group which has emerged from the IRSPM Special Interest Group on Accounting and Accountability for several years. In collaboration with the other members of the Executive Committee, she has been entrusted with the planning and organization of the Special Interest Group’s Panel at the Annual IRSPM Conference as well as its Annual Workshop. Discover the Special Interest Group on Accounting and Accountability here:
Sanja Korać is active member in several scientific groups and organizations (among others, International Research Society for Public Management - IRSPM, European Group for Public Administration - EGPA, Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network - CIGAR, Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. - VHB), and Ad-hoc Reviewer for international scientific journals such as Public Management Review; International Public Management Journal; Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal; Review of Public Personnel Administration; Public Performance & Management Review; Business Research; und International Journal of Public Sector Management.
See more details on Sanja Korać here.
Recent Publications:
Barbera, C., Dom, B., Du Boys, C., Korac, S., Saliterer, I., Steccolini, I. (2024). Insights from local government managers: Navigating crises through organizational capacities and perceptions. Public Administration Review. OPEN ACCESS:
Korac, S., Moser-Plautz, B., Müller, S., Saliterer, I. (2024). Predictors of change outcomes in mandated change: unpacking the outcome triangle. Public Management Review.
Hauser-Oppelmayer, A., Korac, S. (2024). Why minors volunteer - A mixed-method studyof motivational factors in underage Generation Z volunteers in Europe.
Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing.
Please find the complete list of publications (as of November 2021) here.