General information about the programme

Student Mobility for Studies (SMS)

Student Mobility for Work Placements (SMP)

Teaching Staff Mobility (STA)

Staff Mobility for Training (STT)

Erasmus+ with partner countries (Georgia)

General information about the programme

Erasmus+ - the European Union's programme for education, youth and sport.
Erasmus+ combines the previous EU programmes for lifelong learning, youth and sport as well as European cooperative higher education programmes.

The programme comprises three key objectives:

  • Objective 1 - Learning mobility for individuals
  • Objective 2 - Collaboration towards the promotion of innovation and the exchange of best practices
  • Objective 3 - Support for political reforms

Erasmus+ has a budget of around 14.8 billion euros. More than four million people will profit from these EU resources by 2020. The programme, which will run for seven years, is intended to improve skills and employability and to modernise general and professional training structures and youth work.

Information about the Erasmus+ can be found on the European Commission's website:

Above all, the subsidies have strengthened mobility in Europe and from 2015, to a lesser extent, in other parts of the world. By 2020, around two million students, around a quarter of a million from Germany, will have benefited from Erasmus+. The programme is open to students at all levels of study, up to and including PhD, who would like to undertake part of their studies or gain work experience abroad. Bachelor, masters and PhD students can all receive up to 12 months of support. Work placements abroad will also be possible after graduation in future.

In addition, Erasmus+ contributes to the further internationalisation of higher education by funding short-term lectureships and training in residence overseas for teaching and administrative staff.
Subsidies for the majority of mobility schemes and strategic partnerships are assigned by the respective national agencies in the programme's 33 participating countries (28 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway, Turkey). In Germany, as before, this role is undertaken by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD):

German Academic Exchange Service
National agency for collaborative EU higher education projects
Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn
Phone: +49(0)800 2014 020 +49(0)800 2014 020 FREE
Fax: +49(0)228/882-555

The European Commission has awarded the University Speyer with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

Every higher education institution which is either participating or would like to apply to participate in the EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport 2014-2020 (henceforth referred to as "the programme") must have a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). The ECHE is awarded by the European Commission. It certifies that a higher education institution fulfils all the criteria for successful participation in the Erasmus+ programme.

Liability clause

This project is financed with support from the European Commission.
The responsibility for the content of this publication [communication] is born solely by the author; the Commission is not liable for the further use of the information contained herein.

Student Mobility for Studies (SMS)

What is to be understood by Erasmus+ "Student Mobility for Studies (SMS)"?

With the help of Erasmus+, students can undertake study abroad from 3-12 months at one of our ERASMUS+ partner universities.

Among other things, this allows them the opportunity to broaden their intercultural horizons and to familiarise themselves with the university and research system of another European country.

Students can receive funding for up to 12 months (one or more mobilities) at all levels of study (bachelors, masters, PhD).

Additional noteworthy benefits:

  • Recognition of the academic performance achieved abroad
  • Exemption from tuition fees at the host institution
  • Support during preparation
  • Additional grants for students with children (when the child is also taken abroad)
  • Additional grants for students with disabilities
  • Facilitating recognition of academic performance
  • Financial support throughout your time abroad The bursary amount varies according to host country (Groups 1 to 3 in descending order):

Group 1 (450 euros/month):
Denmark, Finland, Irland, Island, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain

Group 2 (390 euros/month):
Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus

Group 3 (330 euros/month):
Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,Croatia, North-Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary

  • If necessary, you can acquire an EMPA certificate for your ERASMUS+ mobility.

Requirements for an Erasmus study mobility:

  • Registration at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
  • Study mobility at a partner university, with which the home university has an Erasmus inter-institutional agreement
  • Home and guest university are in possession of a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)
  • You must prove that you have the requisite knowledge of the teaching language (as a rule English at B1 or B2 level) of the partner university
  • You must not have already exhausted the Erasmus+ months of funding (12 months) for your level of study
  • The study mobility must last a minimum of 3 months (90 days)

 At which universities can a study period be undertaken?

Study abroad can be subsidised within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme at the following universities:

  • Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
  • Andrássy University Budapest (Hungary)
  • University of Leuven (Belgium)
  • Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
  • Sciences PO Lyon (France)
  • Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)
  • University of A Coruña (Spain)
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands)
  • Leiden University, The Hague Campus (Netherlands)

Further inter-institutional agreements in progress

How do I apply?

ERASMUS+ places at partner universities are limited. If there are more applicants than places, decisions are made by an internal university selection committee. The selected students are then subsequently nominated by the partner university. Please submit ERASMUS+ applications to the International Academic Office.

As a rule, applications should be made around 9 months before the start of the planned mobility. With regards to application deadlines for individual institutions, please contact the International Academic Office ( or the EMPA coordinator, Johannes C. Mayer ( Criteria for selection include previous academic performance, academic and personal motivation for study abroad, a study project, language skills and social engagement.

Documents which need to be submitted as part of the application include a letter of motivation, CV, transcript of records and a language certificate.
Recognition of academic performance achieved whilst abroad

Where can I obtain further information?

Kirstin Grunenberg and Marina Scherrer from the International Academic Office are happy to advise you. Please find the relevant contact information on our welcome page. For questions regarding EMPA please contact Claudia Hipp (, phone: 06232 654 347). The European Commission has set out the rights and obligations of ERASMUS students in the ERASMUS Student Charter.

Student Mobility for Work Placements (SMP)

ERASMUS+ funding for work placements

Target groups:

  • Students
  • Graduates


  • Registration at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer before the application is made, this also applies to graduates!

Possible funding periods:

  • 2 months (60 days) to 12 months (360 days) (the length of stay is also dependent on the size of the grant allocated to the University Speyer)

Funding amounts:

The amount of funding is dependent on the host country.

Group 1 (450 euros/month + 105 euros/month Top-UP for internship):
Denmark, Finland, Irland, Island, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain

Group 2 (390 euros/month + 105 euros/month Top-UP for internship):
Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus

Group 3 (330 euros/month + 105 euros/month Top-UP for internship):
Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,Croatia, North-Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary

Multiple funding

  • during masters study maximum 12 months
  • during doctoral studies: maximum 12 months

Eligible work placements:

  • compulsory placements
  • voluntary placements
  • practical element of thesis work

The placement must be full time and completed abroad in a company, institution, or other organisation (e.g. NGO) within Europe. This excludes EU institutions and institutions, which manage EU programmes.

Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG):

A BAföG application can be made in cases where placements abroad are compulsory and cover a minimum of three months. According to Section 21 Paragraph 3 No. 2 of the BAföG Act, stipends with a monthly average in excess of 300 euros are considered as income and will be deducted from the BAföG.

Information on work placements abroad can be found at

Teaching Staff Mobility (STA)

Mobility for teaching purposes

Erasmus+ funds guest lectureships at European partner universities that are in possession of a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). Through their mobility, guest lecturers should strengthen the European dimension of their host university, add to the courses on offer and impart their expertise to students, who either do not want or are unable to study abroad.
Wherever possible, the development of common study programmes with partner universities, as well as the exchange of teaching content and methods should be a part of the process.

For teaching purposes, university staff from a German university possessing an ECHE can undertake a funded mobility at a host university that possesses an ECHE (outgoing mobility)

Teaching mobilities within Europe last between two days and two months (excluding travel time); the minimum number of teaching hours is at least 8 per week, or per mobility if shorter than a week.

The following groups of persons are eligible for funding:

  • Professors and lecturers in a contractual relationship with the university
  • Unpaid lecturers
  • Assistant lecturers with work contracts
  • Emeritus professors and retired teaching staff
  • Research assistants
  • Business staff

Funding rates ST

Financial support for Erasmus mobilities for teaching or training purposes is dependent on the variant living costs of the respective host countries ("programme countries"). There is a uniform daily rates for funding through German universities.

Since the 2020 project year, the following fixed daily rates have been applied for the four country groups up to the 14th day of mobility; from the 15th to the 60th day, the support is 70% of the named rate:

  • Group 1: 180 euros per day for Denmark, Finnland, Great Britain, Ireland, Island, Liechtensein, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden
  • Group 2: 160 euros per day for Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus
  • Group 3: 140 euros per day for Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, North-Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbica, Slovacia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary

Aside from the daily rate, travel costs are ascertained from the real distance between the home country and the host country, by means of a
calculation tool, which is used uniformly across Europe.

The following are the rates of reimbursement according to the mobility and dependent on distance:

  • 10 km - 99 km: 20 euros
  • 100 km – 499 km: 180 euros
  • 500 km – 1.999 km: 275 euros
  • 2.000 km – 2.999 km: 360 euros
  • 3.000 km – 3.999 km: 530 euros
  • 4.000 km – 7.999 km: 820 euros
  • 8.000 km and above: 1.500 euros

Staff Mobility for Training (STT)

Mobility for training purposes

Erasmus+ enables training schemes for university staff in programme countries for the development of internationalisation.

For training purposes, university staff from a German university holding an ECHE may received funding. The mobility must take place at a host university with an ECHE or another institute in the programme country that is active either on the job market or in the fields of general and educational training or youth.

The mobility lasts a minimum of two days and a maximum of two months.

STT gives funding to university staff from all areas.


  • General and technical administration
  • Library
  • Disciplines
  • Faculties
  • Finance
  • International office
  • Public relations
  • Student counselling
  • Technology and transfer
  • Training

Training formats (examples):

  • Sitting in on lectures
    Job shadowing
  • Study visits
  • Participation in workshops and seminars
  • Participation in language courses

Benefits of an Erasmus+ mobility:

  • Mobility on the basis of a coordinated programme
  • Exchanges of expertise and new perspectives
  • Strengthening of individual skills
  • Development and consolidation of networks

Funding rates ST

Financial support for Erasmus mobilities for teaching or training purposes is dependent on the variant living costs of the respective host countries ("programme countries"). There is a uniform daily rate for funding through German universities.

Since the 2020 project year, the following fixed daily rates have been applied for the three country groups up to the 14th day of mobility; from the 15th to the 60th day, the support is 70% of the named rate:

  • Group 1: 180 euros per day for Denmark, Finnland, Great Britain, Ireland, Island, Liechtensein, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden
  • Group 2: 160 euros per day for Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus
  • Group 3: 140 euros per day for Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, North-Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbica, Slovacia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary

In addition to the daily rates there are travel costs, which are ascertained from the real distance between the home country and the country of mobility, by means of a calculation tool, which is used uniformly across Europe.

The following are the rates of reimbursement according to the mobility and dependent on distance:

  • 10 km - 99 km: 20 euros
  • 100 km – 499 km: 180 euros
  • 500 km – 1.999 km: 275 euros
  • 2.000 km – 2.999 km: 360 euros
  • 3.000 km – 3.999 km: 530 euros
  • 4.000 km – 7.999 km: 820 euros
  • 8.000 km and above: 1.500 euros

Erasmus+ with partner countries KA 107 (Georgia)

Since 2015, through the so-called "international dimension" (KA107) of Erasmus+, mobilities outside the previous geographical confines of the programme have also been funded. Both outgoing and incoming mobilities can be realised through this feature of the programme. This applies to both student and staff mobility (as of yet, Erasmus+ work placements are not included in this part of the programme). This means that not only can staff and students associated with the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer undertake mobilities with partner institutions, but also vice versa.

The German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer successfully participated in the quality-oriented selection process. Within the framework of Key Action 107, the following mobility projects in cooperation with the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in Tbilisi (Georgia) are available up until 31/07/2018:

Staff mobility for training:

Speyer-> Tbilisi: 1 participant 7 days
Tbilisi-> Speyer: 1 participant 7 days

Teaching staff mobility:

Speyer-> Tbilisi: 1 participant 7 days
Tbilisi-> Speyer: 1 participant 7 days

Student mobility (studying):

Speyer-> Tbilisi: 1 participant 90 days
Tbilisi-> Speyer: 1 participant 90 days


Funding for ERASMUS+ mobilities in partner countries, likewise for mobilities in Germany from partner countries, has been determined on a pan-European level by the European Commission.

Student Mobility for Studies (SMS):

  • from Germany to a partner country: 650 euro monthly stipend
  • From a partner country to Germany: 800 euro monthly stipend

In addition to the stipend, there is a single lump-sum payment for travel costs, which is measured by distance and derived from the calculation tool used by the European Commission.

With regards to the distance between Tbilisi and Speyer, the payment amounts to 360 euros.

Teaching Staff Mobility and Mobility for Training (ST)

Additional note: In the case of teaching mobilities, the minimum number of teaching hours is 8 hours per week.
The following funding rates apply:

  • From Germany to a partner country: 160 euros per day, from the 15th funding day 112 euros per day
  • From a partner country to Germany: 120 euros per day, from the 15th funding day 84 euros per day

In addition to the stipend, there is a single lump-sum payment for travel costs, which is measured by distance and derived from the calculation tool used by the European Commission.

With regards to the distance between Tbilisi and Speyer, the payment amounts to 360 euros.

The call for participation in the above-mentioned schemes will follow shortly.
Please direct any enquiries to Kirstin Reinke (, phone: 0049 (0)6232 654253) 

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