Library - Welcome

The library of the German University for Administrative Sciences acts as a reference library for the students and the science staff of the University, as well as for the German Research Institute for Public Administration.

The inventory currently comprises around 320.000 volumes and mainly consists of the following specialist areas: law, administration and economics sciences, political science, philosophy, social sciences, psychology and recent history. The most important publications of the European documentation centre, which is located at the University, are also categorised and freely accessible. Around 800 periodicals are regularly subscribed to in printed format such as local and foreign magazines, collections of decisions, year books, etc. Furthermore, around 8,500 magazines and newspapers are accessible in electronic format and various databases such as Beck online, Ebsco Business Source Premier, Jurion, Juris, Legios, etc. Access to numerous databases and electronic magazines is available via DFG sponsored national licences.

The library has a reading room with more than 150 workplaces, of which 80 have electric power, and in the service area there are more than 9 notebook stations with power and Internet connection. WiFi is installed in the library. The Microsoft Office program package can be used on 14 PCs. Furthermore, there is a central printer available in the reading room as well as three copiers and two book scanners in the basement. Printed material, copies and scanned copies are possible in colour as well as in black and white. Scanning is free.

For literature research:

Search in online library catalogue (link to the English version)

Search in the Electronic Journals Library (link to the English version)

Search in the Database Information System DBIS

Search in DoPuS, the Document and Publication Server Speyer (offers an English version)

For research in licensed databases, please use the

Intranet of the library.