Notes on the formatting of the dissertation
When preparing the documents to be submitted for review, the following principles should be observed (Decision of the doctoral committee of 28 January 1976 and 27 July 1995):
- The dissertation is to be prepared in DIN A 4 format
- A spacing of 1.3 lines should be selected as line spacing
- The pages are to be written on one side in order to allow for the opposite blank reverse side of the previous sheet to be used for correction notes
- The dissertation must be submitted paperback bound, i.e. not: guide file / ring binder / folder or spiral binding
- The title page of the dissertation must contain the following information:
- The name of the author with full first name
- The exact title of the dissertation
- The addition: "Dissertation for obtaining the degree of" and then the addition "Doctor of Administrative Sciences (Dr. rer. publ.)", "Doctor of Law (Dr. iur)" or "Doctor of Political Science and Economics (Dr. rer. pol.)" then the addition "of the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer".
- and the complete date of the year.
At the end of the dissertation, an outline of the author's curriculum vitae may be printed, which should include the following information: date of birth, place of birth and educational background. It should comprise between 10 and 20 lines.