Internationale Kooperationen
International Cooperation
Der Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere für Wirtschafts- und Verkehrspolitik pflegt zahlreiche internationale Kooperationen mit verschiedenen Partnern in und außerhalb Europas. Zu den Ergebnissen der Zusammenarbeit zählen gemeinsame Seminare, gemeinsame Betreuung von Promotionsverfahren, Sommerschulen, Publikationen, das gemeinsame interdisziplinäre englischsprachiges Masterprogramm mit der Staatlichen Universität Tiflis in Georgien.
The Chair of Economics, in particular Economic and Transport Policy fosters international cooperation with several partners in and beyond Europe. The results of the intensive cooperation are common seminars, joint supervision of PhD candidates, summer schools, publications and notably a joint interdisciplinary Master's program with the Tbilisi State University in Georgia.
Bevorstehende / Forthcoming
- 14.-17. August 2024: Gemeinsame Summer School DUV in Kooperation mit der TSU in Georgien mit 10 Studenten und Studentinnen auf dem Campus der DUV Speyer.
Durchgeführt / Carried Out
- 5.-7. Oktober 2023: Gemeinsames internationales Doktorandenkolloquium in Budapest zusammen mit der Andrassy Universität Budapest (AUB) und der Staatlichen Universität Tiflis (TSU).
Joint international PhD-Colloquium in Budapest together with Andrassy University Budapest (AUB) and the State University Tiflis (TSU). - Vom 08.-19.08.2022 fand erstmals seit Beginn der Coronapandemie die gemeinsame Summer School der DUV Speyer und ihrer georgischen Partnerinstitution, der Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), in Speyer statt.
From 08-19 August 2022, the joint Summer School of DUV Speyer and its Georgian partner institution, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), took place in Speyer for the first time since the beginning of the corona pandemic. - September 29 - 30, 2022: Joint international PhD-Colloquium in Budapest together with Andrassy University Budapest (AUB) and the State University Tiflis (TSU).
- August 5 - 16, 2019: Summer School "Public Administration in a Multi-Level System" in the framework of the Master's Program "Public Administration", Tbilisi State University, in Speyer, Germany.
- June 4 - 6, 2019: A joint meeting and workshop between the German University of Administratives Sciences Speyer and the University of Bremen and the Kiev National Economic University, was held in Bremen.
- May 13 - June 14, 2019: The yearly summer studies program 'On The Rhine' (OTR) dealing with 'Public Policy and Administration in Germany, the European Union and the United States' took place in Speyer, Germany hosted by the Speyer University in cooperation with the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) and the Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California, USA (PRICE).
- March 26, 2019: The Rector of DUV Speyer, Professor Dr. Holger Mühlenkamp and Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Knorr travelled to Mongolia for cooperation talks as well as for scientific lectures at the National University of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar, a long-term partner institution of DUV Speyer. Professor Knorr lectured at the conference "People Centered Public Administration" organized by the School of International Relations and Public Administration (SIRPA) on the topic "eGovernment implementation (issues) in Germany and select EU member states". Professor Mühlenkamp presented his research results on "Performance-related pay in the public sector". In addition, possibilities of a further joint education format for executives of the public administration of Mongolia were discussed.
- February 26 - 28, 2019: A joint meeting and workshop between the German University of Administratives Sciences Speyer and the University of Bremen and the Kiev National Economic University, took place in Speyer.
- October 29 - 31, 2018: A third cooperation meeting, a joint PhD colloquium and a workshop about "Comparative Analysis of Infrafructural Policy" was held at the Kiev National Economic University. Our partner institutions are the university of Bremen and KNEU (Kiev National Economic University).
- October 25 - 27, 2018: The representatives of the University Speyer held a cooperation meeting at the Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration (ORIPA NAPA) under the Eastpartnership program of DAAD.
- June 6 - 8, 2018: A second cooperation meeting, joint PhD colloquium and workshop about "Comparative Analysis of Infrafructural Policy" was held at the University of Bremen. Our partner institutions are the university of Bremen and KNEU (Kiev National Economic University).
- May 14 - June 15, 2018:The yearly summer studies program 'On The Rhine' (OTR) dealing with 'Public Policy and Administration in Germany, the European Union and the United States' was held by the Speyer University in cooperation with the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) and the Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California, USA (PRICE) in Speyer, Germany.
- March 20 - 22, 2018: A cooperation meeting, joint PhD colloquium and workshop about "Comparative Analysis of Infrafructural Policy" was held at DUV Speyer. Our partner institutions are the university of Bremen and KNEU (Kiev National Economic University).
- November 20 - 22, 2017: A scientific meeting at the Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration (ORIPA NAPA) took place under the Eastpartnership program of DAAD. The delegation consisted of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Knorr, Dr. Kai Masser, Prof. Dr. Christian Koch and Ass.iur. Claudia Hipp.
- October 6 - 7, 2017: A joint PhD Colloquium with Andrássy University Budapest and DUV Speyer with special consideration of the development in rural areas was held in Budapest, Hungary.
- September 14 - 20, 2017: Professor Knorr went on a research visit to participate in a workshop on "Problems and Current Issues in Public Administration" at the School of International Relations and Public Administration (SIRPA) of National University of Mongolia (NUM) in Ulaanbaatar.
- August 24 - 28, 2017: The Summer School on "Green Economy and European Integration" by Kyiv National Economic University with invited special speakers from DUV Speyer in Kiew, Ukraine was held.
- Summer School 2017: "Public Administration in a Multi-Level System" in the framework of the Master's Program "Public Administration", Tbilisi State University, Speyer from August 7 to 18 2017 in Speyer, Germany.
- May 15 - June 15, 2017: The summer studies "Public Policy and Administration in Germany, the European Union and the United States" On the Rhine (OTR) by Speyer University was held, in cooperation with Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) and Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California, USA (PRICE) in Speyer, Germany.
- September 29, 2016: The scientific conference on "Law Enforcement Operations was organized: Theoretical and Practical Issues" by the National University of Mongolia (NUM) in cooperation with DUV, Speyer in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- May 16 - June 16, 2016: The summer studies "Public Policy and Administration in Germany, the European Union and the United States" On the Rhine (OTR) were held by Speyer University, in cooperation with Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) and Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California, USA (PRICE) in Speyer, Germany.
- Workshop "Modernization of the Public Sector in the Ukraine: Opportunities, Challenges and Limitations of Fiscal Decentralization" was held on April 13, 2016 by the Kyiv National Economic University in cooperation with DUV, Speyer in Kyiv, Ukraine
- Summer School 2015 "Public Administration in a Multi-Level System" in the framework of the Master's Program "Public Administration", Tbilisi State University, Speyer from August 1 - 15, 2015 in Speyer, Germany.
- May 18 - June 18, 2015 the summer studies "Public Policy and Administration in Germany, the European Union and the United States" were held within the framewrk of "On the Rhine (OTR)" by Speyer University, in cooperation with Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) in Speyer, Germany.
- International Scientific and Practical Conference Workshop "Corruption Prevention Via Transparency: Analysis of Governance Problems in the Areas Rich in Natural Resources Tyumen" was organized by Tyumen State University in cooperation with DUV, Speyer on 22/23 April 2013 in Tyumen, Russian Federation
- The workshop „Anti-Corruption Policy in comparative perspective: Germany and Russia" was held with the participation of the Far East Academy of Public Service in cooperation with DUV, Speyer in 2012 in Khabarovsk, Russian Federation
Georgien / Georgia
Die Staatliche Iwane-Dschawachischwili-Universität Tiflis
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU)
Kooperationsrahmen / Cooperation scope:
- Interdisciplinary Master's Program in Public Administration
- Summer school
- Internships
- Organization of joint research programs
- Organization of joint conferences and workshops
- Scientific events
- Exchange of faculty and scholars (professors, lecturers, or researchers)
- Exchange of students (graduate level)
- Exchange of academic information and materials
- Research visits
- Joint Publications
- Joint Supervision of Master and Doctoral Candidates
Masterprogramm "Public Administration" an der Staatlichen Universität Tiflis
Seit 2009 führt die Staatliche Universität Tiflis in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Speyer einen englischsprachigen interdisziplinären Masterstudiengang durch.
Wissenschaftlicher Leiter von Speyerer Seite / Program Director from Speyer side: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Knorr
Stellvertreter / Deputy-director: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl-Peter Sommermann
Koordinatorin von Speyerer Seite / Coordinator from Speyer side: Sylvie Knorr
Master's Program in Public Administration at Tbilisi State University
Since 2009 Tbilisi State University in cooperation with the University of Administrative Sciences Speyer implements the interdisciplinary Master's Program conducted in English.
Information on the web-page of DUV.
Georgisches Institut für Verwaltungswissenschaften
Institute of Administrative Sciences in Georgia (IAS)
Bei der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Staatlichen Universität Tiflis wurde 2013 ein Institut für Verwaltungswissenschafen errichtet, zu dessen Gründungsmitgliedern die Universität Speyer gehört.
An Institute for Administrative Sciences was set up at the Faculty of Law of the Tbilisi State University in 2013. The University of Speyer is one of the founding members of the Institute.
Vertreter der Universität Speyer im Vorstand: / Representative of the University of Speyer:
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Knorr
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl-Peter Sommermann
Kontakt / Contact:
Mongolei / Mongolia
Nationaluniversität der Mongolei
National University of Mongolia (NUM)
Kooperationsrahmen / Cooperation scope:
- Organization of joint research programs
- Organization of joint conferences and workshops
- Scientific events
- Exchange of students (graduate level)
- Exchange of academic information and materials
- Research visits
- Joint Publications
- Joint Supervision of Master and Doctoral Candidates
Kontakt / Contact:
Vereinigte Staaten / United States
Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs in Bloomington, Indiana (SPEA)
Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California (USC - PRICE)
Kooperationsrahmen / Cooperation scope: Yearly Summer Studies 'On The Rhine' (OTR)
Kontakt / Contact:
Nationale Wirtschaftsuniversität Kiew Vadym Hetman
Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU)
Kooperationsrahmen / Cooperation scope:
- Organization of joint conferences and workshops
- Scientific events
- Exchange of faculty and scholars (professors, lecturers, or researchers)
- Exchange of students (graduate level)
- Exchange of academic information and materials
- Research visits
- Joint Publications
- Joint PhD Colloquiums
Kontakt / Contact:
Odessaer Regionales Institut für Öffentliche Verwaltung - der Nationalen Akademie für öffentliche Verwaltung unter dem Präsidenten der Ukraine
Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration - National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (ORIPA-NAPA)
Kooperationsrahmen / Cooperation scope:
- Organization of joint conferences and workshops
- Scientific events
- Exchange of faculty and scholars (professors, lecturers, or researchers)
- Exchange of students (graduate level)
- Exchange of academic information and materials
- Research visits
- Joint Publications
Kontakt / Contact:
Ungarn / Hungary
Andrássy Universität Budapest
Andrássy University Budapest (AUB)
Kooperationsrahmen / Cooperation scope:
- Internships
- Organization of joint conferences and workshops
- Scientific events
- Exchange of faculty and scholars (professors, lecturers, or researchers)
- Exchange of students (graduate level)
- Exchange of academic information and materials
- Research visits
- Joint Publications
- Joint Supervision of Master and Doctoral Candidates
- Joint PhD Colloquiums
Kontakt / Contact:
Slowakei / Slovak Republic
Pavol Jozef Šafárik Universität in Košice, Slowakei
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovak Republic
Kooperationsrahmen / Cooperation scope:
- Gemeinsame Publikationen / Joint publications
- Gemeinsame Betreuung von Doktoranden / Joint Supervision of Doctoral candidate
Kontakt / Contact:
- SS 2023 Prof. Dr. Irakli Burduli und Frau Tamar Berishvili, Staatliche Universität Tiflis (TSU).
- SS 2021 Beka Lezhava, Staatliche Universität Tiflis (TSU)
- SS 2019 Dr. Morris Shalikahvili, Doctor of Law, University of Hamburg, Head of Institute of Criminology an der Staatlichen Universität Tiflis (TSU).
- SS 2019 Gvantsa Magradze, Doktorandin, Staatliche Universität Tiflis (TSU), die für 8 Wochen im Rahmen des DAAD-Ostpartnerschaftsprogramms ein Forschungsaufenthalt hatte.
- SS 2019 Frau Lijing Yu, Doktorandin an der DUV hat ein Stipendium über das DAAD-STIBET-Programm erhalten.
- SS 2019 Herr Ievgen Volkovskyi, hD, Associate Professor, Nationale Wirtschaftsuniversität Kiew Vadym Hetman (KNEU)
- WS 2018-19 Prof. Dr. Irakli Burduli, Dekan der juristischen Fakultät, Staatliche Universität Tiflis (TSU).
- S 2018 und WS 2018-19 Herr Shuyang Sheng, Doktorand an der DUV, Stipendiat von DAAD-STIBET Programme.
- SS 2018 Frau Tamar Berishvili, Doktorandin, Koordinatorin des Fremdsprachen-Master-Studiengangs, Direktorin des Instituts für Verwaltungswissenschaften, Staatliche Universität Tiflis (TSU) betreut zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl-Peter Sommermann.
- SS 2018 Prof. Dr. Burmaa Natsag, Leiterin der Abteilung für öffentliche Verwaltung, Schule für internationale Beziehungen und öffentliche Verwaltung (School of international Relations and Public Administration), Nationaluniversität der Mongolei (NUM) betreut zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jan Ziekow.
- SS 2018 Frau Gvantsa Magradze, Doktorandin an der TSU, Stpendiantin von DAAD-STIBET Kontaktstipendium Programme, betreut zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl-Peter Sommermann.
- WS 2017-18 Frau Nataliia Rozmaritsyna, Doktorandin an der Odessaer Regionales Institut für Öffentliche Verwaltung (ORIPA-NAPA). News
- WS 2017-18 Dr. Mzekala Atchaidze, Assistentin des Rektors, die Staatliche Iwane-Dschawachishwil-Universität Tiflis (TSU)
- WS 2017-18 Assistenzprofessorinen Maryna Stepura und Hanna Kotina, Nationale Wirtschaftsuniversität Kiew Vadym Hetman (KNEU)
- WS 2017-18 Prof. Dr. Irakli Burduli, Dekan der juristischen Fakultät, Staatliche Universität Tiflis (TSU)
- WS 2017-18 Frau Tamar Berishvili, Doktorandin, Koordinatorin des Fremdsprachen-Master-Studiengangs, Direktorin des Instituts für Verwaltungswissenschaften, Staatliche Universität Tiflis (TSU).
- SS 2017 Frau Mariia Lemets, Doktorandin an der Odessaer Regionales Institut für Öffentliche Verwaltung (ORIPA-NAPA) News.
- SS 2017 Frau Oleksandra Kubrak, Doktorandin an der Odessaer Regionales Institut für Öffentliche Verwaltung (ORIPA-NAPA) News.
- WS 2016-17 Frau Tamar Berishvili, Doktorandin, Koordinatorin des Fremdsprachen-Master-Studiengangs, Direktorin des Instituts für Verwaltungswissenschaften, Staatliche Universität Tiflis (TSU).
- WS 2016-17 Prof. Dr. Irakli Burduli, Dekan der juristischen Fakultät, Staatliche Universität Tiflis (TSU).
- WS 2015-2016 Frau Kateryna Chabanova, Doktorandin an dem Odessaer Regionalen Institut für Öffentliche Verwaltung (ORIPA-NAPA).
- WS 2015-2016 Frau Mariia Lemets, Doktorandin an dem Odessaer Regionalen Institut für Öffentliche Verwaltung (ORIPA-NAPA).