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Hans Herbert von Arnim, Univ.-Prof. Dr. iur., Dipl.-Volkswirt, born 1939 in Darmstadt, Germany.

Former Professor of Public Law, esp. Municipal and Budget Law, and Constitutional Theory at the Post Graduate School of Administrative Sciences Speyer.

Studies of Law and Economics, Master Degrees in Law and Economics and Doctorate in Law at the University of Heidelberg.

1968-1978  Director of the Karl-Bräuer-Institut. This institut is affiliated with the German Taxpayers Association (500.000 members) in Wiesbaden.
1976  Habilitation in Constitutional and Administrative Law, Financial and Tax Law, University of Regensburg.
1978-1981  Professor at the University of Marburg.
1981   Chair for Public Law, esp. Municipal and Budget Law, and Constitutional Theory at the Postgraduate School of Administrative Scienes Speyer.
1988   Call for the chair of Constitutional Law and Politics to the University of Göttingen (former chair of Professor Leibholz, the "founder" of the Federal Constitutional Court).
1993-1996  Member of the Brandenburg State Constitutional Court.
1993-1995  President of the Postgraduate School of Administrative Sciences Speyer.
2000-2001  Visiting Professor at the Medical University of Lübeck.
April 1, 2004  Emeritus status
   further on Member of the Research Institute for Public Administration and Head of Section I - Modernizing Government and Administration

Member of several Commissions of Experts, for example the "Enquête-Commission of Election Law and Municipal Constitution" of the Parliament of the State of Palatinate (1988-1990); of the Commission of Independent Experts on Party Financing (1992/93), appointed by the Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker; of the Commission on the Salaries and the Pension Schemes of the Members of Government of the German Länder, appointed by the Prime Ministers of Bavaria and of Nordrhine-Westfalia (1999-2000).

Research Activities:

  • Constitutional and Democracy Theories
  • Financial Law
  • Party and Political Financing
  • Municipal Law and Municipal Politics
Academic Career

The Forfeiture of Corporate Pension Entitlements. Published by Recht and Wirtschaft, Heidelberg 1970
(Die Verfallbarkeit betrieblicher Ruhegeldanwartschaften) (ISBN 3-8005-6167-0 )
This book is the doctoral dissertation of the author. It shows that the then common unfettered practice of forfeiture of corporate pension entitlements, when an employee leaves his employment before reaching the legal retirement age, is against the law. The question affected 60% of the Federal Republic of Germany's labour force. In 1972 the Federal Industrial Tribunal, and then in 1975 the legislature, accepted the new interpretation.

The Remuneration of Parliamentary Representatives and the Basic Law. A constitutional opinion on the financial privileges of Federal and State representatives. Volume 32 of the publications of the Karl-Bräuer-Institute of the German Taxpayers Federation, Wiesbaden 1975
(Abgeordnetenentschädigung und Grundgesetz. Ein verfassunsrechtliches Gutachten über die finanziellen Privilegien der Abgeordneten in Bund und Ländern)

This opinion expressed the view that the then existing privileges claimed by parliamentarians as to taxation exemptions, payments to them by lobbyists, and civil servant status benefits were unconstitutional. The German Taxpayers Federation presented the manuscript, prior to its publication, to the Federal Constitutional Court which adopted this view in its decision of November 5, 1975 (BVerfGE 40, 296).

The Common Good and Group Interests. Published by Metzner, Frankfurt/M 1977
(Gemeinwohl und Gruppeninteressen) (ISBN 3-7875-5258-8)
This thesis demonstrates that general interests tend to succumb to well organised special interests in a pluralistic democracy. It discusses the consequences for political theory and constitutional law.

Party Financing. A Constitutional Study. Volume 52 of the Publications by the Karl-Bräuer-Institute of the German Taxpayers Federation, Wiesbaden 1982
(Parteienfinanzierung. Eine verfassungsrechtliche Untersuchung)

This booklet (and a number of essays and articles in professional periodicals and newspapers) analyses problems of financing of political parties, including party foundations and parliamentary parties. The judgement handed down by the Federal Constitutional Court, dated April 9, 1992 (BVerfGE 85, 264), accepted many of the criticisms raised in this publication.

State Theory of the Federal Republic of Germany. Published by Vahlen, Munich 1984
(Staatslehre der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) (ISBN 3-8006-1024-8)

This book describes the historical development of a modern state such as the Federal Republic of Germany and provides the basis for the theoretical analysis of it.

Power Makes One Inventive. Published in paperback by Fromm, Zurich/Osnabrück 1988
(Macht macht erfinderisch) (ISBN3-7201-5214-6)

This paperback is based on the author's earlier manuscript which made public the "Hesse Attendance Allowance Case" (where parliamentary representatives granted themselves financial privileges.) It induced the State Parliament to withdraw the self-serving excessive regulations. The president and vice-president resigned.

Possibilities of Direct Democracy at the Local Level. Published in Jörn Ipsen (ed.), Continuity or Reform. An Analysis of Local Authority Constitutions, 1990, pages 57-86: Also published in Die Öffentliche Verwaltung 1990, pages 85-97.
(Möglichkeiten unmittelbarer Demokratie auf Gemeindeebene)

This article is supplemented by several of the author's later papers. It underlines the special qualities of the Constitution of Local Authorities in the State of Baden-Württemberg. These have three structural characteristics: the direct election of mayors, flexible election lists for the Local Councils with cumulative votes for candidates, and the possibility of citizen initiatives and decisions. The article recommends the adoption of this model by other States. This publication directly influenced the contemporaneous reform of the Constitution of Local Authorities in the State of Schleswig-Holstein. In the meantime, most of the model's characteristics, especially the direct election of mayors, have been introduced, in some cases with modifications, in all other States.

The State as Spoils. Published in paperback by Knaur, Munich 1993
(Der Staat als Beute) (ISBN 3-426-80014-4)

This paperback shows how the "political class" granted itself financial privileges and immunities and how parliaments, for example, in Hesse, Hamburg and the Saarland, had to rescind several laws in response to developing public criticism as the results of the author's research became known. The book was for some time on the paperback bestseller list.

State without Servants. Published by Kindler, Munich 1993, and in paperback by Knaur, Munich 1995
(Staat ohne Diener) (ISBN 3-426-80062-4)

This book describes the problems of a modern democracy such as the Federal Republic of Germany. For some time it was on the bestseller list. The later paperback edition includes an epilogue which deals whith subsequent developments and the critics of the book.

Democracy without People. Published in paperback by Knaur, Munich 1993
(Demokratie ohne Volk) (ISBN 3-426-80021-7)

This paperback is a collection of the author's eighteen topically related articles and papers, which were originally published individually in newspapers and professional journals, some of which are not readily accessible.

The Party, the Representative and Money. Published in paperback by Knaur, Munich 1996
(Die Partei, der Abgeordnete und das Geld) (ISBN 3-426-80074-8)

This paperback is a standard work on political financing. It was first published in 1991 and completely revised in 1996. It analyses the entire financing of political parties, party foundations, parliamentary parties and representatives. This financing, especially in Germany, has run out of control. Recommendations are made for substantive and procedural reforms.

"We are the State!" Published in paperback by Knaur, Munich 1995
("Der Staat sind wir!") (ISBN 3-426-80079-9)

The New Federal Representatives' Law. Content, Procedure, Criticism and Public Deception. Research report Nr. 169, Speyer 1997
(Das neue Abgeordnetengesetz. Inhalt, Verfahren, Kritik und Irreführung der Öffentlichkeit)

The paperback revealed to the public the true content of the camouflaged proposed amendment to the remuneration article of the Federal Constitution and resulted in a nationwide discussion in late 1995. It caused 86 professors of constitutional law to appeal to the Federal Council (Bundesrat) of the Federal Parliament, which ultimately rejected the amendment.

The research report traces the legal procedure and outlines the content of the bill.

The Glutton as Caterer. The political class - self-serving and remote from the people. Published by Kindler, Munich 1997, and as paperback edition by Knaur, Munich 1999 (Fetter Bauch regiert nicht gern. Die politische Klasse - selbstbezogen und abgehoben) (ISBN 3-426-77385-6)

This book develops a theory of the Party-State and shows that the self-interests of the "political class" in relation to power, position, and money have paralysed their capacity to govern; fundamental changes in the political institutions are required. This could be achieved by public and individual initiatives. The book was on the bestseller list from January to October 1998. The later paperback edition includes a foreword which deals with subsequent developments and critics of the book.

Servants of Many Masters. The double and triple benefits of politicians. Published by Knaur, Munich 1998
(Diener vieler Herren. Die Doppel- und Dreifachversorgung von Politikern) (ISBN 3-426-77372-4)

This paperback points out the excessive remuneration of politicians, especially the multiple payments and superannuation systems. The book has since its publication led to certain reforms in Bavaria and North-Rhine Westphalia. In addition, the prime ministers of both states have appointed a commission (including the author) which will give its opinion in 2000.

Principles of Economic Policy. Published by Luchterhand, Frankfurt/Main, 6th edition, 1998
(Volkswirtschaftspolitik) (ISBN 3-472-00063-5)

This book examines the economic problems of the Federal Republic of Germany from the combined perspectives of economics, law, and politics.

The Glitter of Democracy: Politics without Accountability - Ignoring the People, Droemer Publishing House, Munich 2000 (ISBN 3-426-27204-0)

This book deals with the disintegration of accountability in German federalism and the possibilities for direct decision-making at local state, federal, and EU levels. It provides an extension and elaboration of the arguments made in the book, The Glutton as Caterer (Fetter Bauch regiert nicht gern). The German system of executive federalism, which dates back to Bismarck, is unique; it results in the disempowerment of both parliament and people and leads to political paralysis. There is no continuous public outcry and protest solely because the complicated procedures are so abstruse. The author proposes that the solution can be found in mobilizing public awareness and establishing requisite institutions. This implies the reform of the electoral laws and the development of initiative and referendum.

Speyer, June 2000

New Publications:

2014: Beschwerde gegen die Gültigkeit der Bundestagswahl vom 22. September 2013

Beschwerdeschrift vom 27.8.2014

Ablehnung eines Richters wegen Befangenheit

1. Schriftsatz vom 16. September 2015

2. Schriftsatz vom 7. Oktober 2015

3. Schriftsatz vom 24. Oktober 2015

Sachstandsanfrage ans Bundesverfassungsgericht vom 23.12.2015

Dienstliche Äußerung des Richters Müller vom 8.6.2016 zum Ablehnungsantrag

Stellungnahme vom 16. 6. 2016 zur dienstlichen Äußerung des Richters Müller

Ablehnung des Befangenheitsantrags: Beschluss des BVerfG vom 19.7.2016

Stellungnahme vom 9.11.2016 zu den vom Senat beigezogenen Akten der Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin

Sachstandsanfrage vom 30.11.2016

Mitteilung des BVerfG vom 7.12.2016

Sachstandsanfrage vom 20.5.2017

Mitteilung des BVerfG vom 31.5.2017

Sachstandsanfrage vom 20.8.2017

Mitteilung des BVerfG vom 23.8.2017

Beschluss des Zweiten Senats vom 19.9.2017

2013: Organklagen der Freien Wähler und der Ökologisch-Demokratischen Partei sowie Verfassungsbeschwerden von Hubert Aiwanger und Sebastian Frankenberger gegen die 3%-Klausel bei der Europawahl

1. Klageschrift vom 9.10.2013

2. Statement bei Vorstellung der Klage auf der Pressekonferenz am 14.10.2013 in Berlin

3. Die Klage in der Presse:

4. Stellungnahme vom 19.9.2013 zum Schriftsatz des Bundestags vom 26.4.2013 und zum Schriftsatz der CDU/CSU-Fraktion vom 3.5.2013

5. Stellungnahme vom 12.12.2013 zum Schriftsatz des Bundestags vom 31.10.2013


2012: Organklage der ÖDP wegen verdeckter Staatsfinanzierung der Parlamentsparteien

1. Klageschrift vom 11.6.2012

2. Statement bei Vorstellung der Organklage der ÖDP auf der Pressekonferenz am 18. Juni 2012 in Karlsruhe

3. Schaubild: Entwicklung der Fraktionszuschüsse des Bundes (1965-2012) und der Zahlungen an Abgeordnetenmitarbeiter des Bundes (1969-2011) im Vergleich zur Entwicklung des Bruttoarbeitnehmerentgelts (1965-2011)

4. Die Klage in der Presse:

4. Stellungnahme vom 19.9.2013 zum Schriftsatz des Bundestags vom 26.4.2013 und zum Schriftsatz der CDU/CSU-Fraktion vom 3.5.2013

5. Stellungnahme vom 12.12.2013 zum Schriftsatz des Bundestags vom 31.10.2013

6. Schriftsatz der ÖDP vom 7.1.2015

7. Schriftsatz der ÖDP vom 15.6.2015

8. Beschuss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (Zweiter Senat) vom 15.7.2015 (2 BvE 4/12)


2009: Einspruch gegen die Fünf-Prozent-Klausel bei Europawahlen

1. Einspruch vom 24.7.2009

2. Brief an den Bundestagspräsidenten vom 23.7.2009: Handlungspflicht des Bundestags

3. Stellungnahme des Bundesministeriums des Inneren vom 23.9.2009

4. Erwiderung vom 4.11.2009 auf die Stellungnahme des Bundesministeriums des Inneren

5. Zurückweisung des Einspruchs durch den Bescheid des Bundestages vom 8.7.2010

6. Beschwerdeschrift zum Bundesverfassungsgericht vom 5.9.2010

7. Mitteilung der Zustellung der Beschwerde vom 22.9.2010 sowie Fristsetzung für Äußerungen

8. Stellungnahme des Bundeswahlleiters vom 16.11.2010

9. Schriftsatz des Bundestages vom 2.5.2011

10. Plädoyer am 3.5.2011 gegen die Fünf-Prozentklausel

11. Plädoyer am 3.5.2011 gegen die starren Listen

12. Erwiderung vom 23.5.2011 auf den Schriftsatz des Bundestages

13. Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 9.11.2011

14. Der Einspruch und die Beschwerde in der Presse:

2002: Organklage der ÖDP gegen die Benachteiligung kleiner Parteien bei der Staatsfinanzierung

Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts 2 BvE 1/02 vom 26.10.2004, BVerfGE 111, 382

Statement zur Erhebung der Organklage der Ökologisch-Demokratischen Partei (ödp) gegen die sogenannte Drei-Länder-Klausel des neuen Parteiengesetzes am 3.9.2002 in Karlsruhe



Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Herbert von Arnim
- Emeritus

Telefon: +49 (0)6232 654343
E-Mail: vonarnim@uni-speyer.de

Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer

Postfach 14 09 - 67324 Speyer
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 2
67346 Speyer